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It is in Cumhuriyet Square, next to the City Hall. The inscription above the entrance door of the church was made in 1729, during the Ottoman Empire, and was repaired during the reigns of Sultan Ahmet in 1829 and Sultan Abdülmecit in 1850. The Konstantin-Eleni church is open to visitors and is in good condition. In June 2010, a great orthodox ritual was held, directed by Patriarch Bartholomew. In 1895, a bell tower was added to the church, which was decorated with frescoes. However, these paintings have disappeared over time. The church, built of smooth cut stone, has a basilica plan. The writing on the inscription above the entrance door; I am the church of the most holy royal family; I was built during the reign of Sultan Ahmet I of Constantine and Helena. I was decorated during the reign of Abdülmecid I, and when the famous Paisios became Bishop, I was completed in 1792 with the efforts and expenditures of the people of Sinasos. I was repaired in 1850.


Source: KAPHIB

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